If I was to be put in the audience of a lynching I wouldn't know how to really explain what I was witnessing. The first thing I would notice would be the crowd cheering at the whole mess, the energy around would be ecstatic and I would be very confused to why everyone was so excited about the ritual. Most of these people cheering I would consider brain washed or influenced from birth. Throughout their lives they have been told that having dark skin is not the normality...Any person told these thing from a young age would believe them; the same goes for religion. When the ritual starts and they are strapping the victim to the cross is where i would probably leave the area. I would include how they are going to kill someone over something that had just been an influence to thing. Showing the power of manipulation and fear, from birth these people had been told that they were not worthy of your status. As I'm watching this cult go from insane to even more bizarre, I would start to question why this had ever came to be an actual ritual. When the cross is finally lit and the crowd is burning with energy, watching all these people go through adrenaline rushes and cheer for the person to suffer. I would not know what to think, by this time i would have been long gone from the event. But i would consider this the climax of the event, everyone cheering and screaming the victim screaming for his life, would all be very intense at one moment. Just to how everyone at a boxing match would be cheering for the person getting hurt. After the lynching when everyone is ready to celebrate i would no join in on the party. A lynching would be a very controversial place to talk about, it would compare to the types of events we have to this day.
ethnographic notes B:
I chose to do some research on the Westboro baptist church. To the top is a picture of the church.
The Westboro Baptist Church is an independent church know for how extreme their beliefs are. The group has been actively involved in picketing gay rights, and funerals. The church is a very extreme group spending a whooping 250k a year on just picketing, in the 1990's the group won a ton of lawsuits against the city of Topeka . The group picketed a funeral in 2005 over a death of a soldier in Iraq, saying that is was the work of god and it is not a bad thing for it to happen. The group does not only pickpocket funerals, in 2009 the members of the church protested at three Jewish sites in D,C., saying that "Jews killed Jesus". The group is a Roman Catholic group. it is runs entirely from its congregations and accepts no outside donations.
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